Environmental Science

The planet is crashing towards the limits of its climate change

The planet is crashing towards the limits of its climate change

Evidence of the ever-changing nature of the Earth’s climate is that we are in a state of emergency on the planet, leading climate scientists have warned. A cascade of tipping points could amount to a global tipping point, where multiple
earth systems exceed a point of return, they say.

That possibility is an existential threat to civilization. This collapse of Earth’s systems could lead to global warming of 9 degrees Fahrenheit (5 degrees Celsius), sea-level rise of 20 to 30 feet, complete loss of the world’s coral reefs and Amazon
rainforest to hothouse earth conditions and large parts of the planet uninhabited.

Annual global temperatures are expected to warm at least 1 degree Celsius (1.8 F) for each of the next five years and are expected to exceed 1.5 ° C (2.7 F) in at least one year now and 2024. If these predictions are above meaning, the planet seems increasingly likely to be able to achieve the goals set by the Paris Agreement on climate change.

The West Antarctic ice sheet, for example, seems to be slowly declining. The latest data show that the same thing could happen to parts of the East Antarctic ice sheet, says a climate scientist at the University of Exeter in south-west England. If both melted, they could raise sea levels by 21 feet (7 meters) over the next few hundred years. “Exeter, where I am, was founded by the Romans 1,900 years ago. From now on, it will probably be underwater 1,500 years ago, he says. The legacy we leave behind should not be left to future generations, no
matter how far away they may be in the future.

The average global temperature of the Earth is already over 1 degree Celsius above the pre-industrial period. The Paris Agreement argued that the Earth’s temperature should be kept well below" at 2 degrees Celsius, but the world should try to limit it to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Now, we will reach this 1.5 ° C limit in the next few years as there is a fair chance of it appearing. According to new data, researchers predict that temperatures above pre-industrial levels will rise somewhere between 0.91-1.59 degrees Celsius by 2024. However, the probability of warming of at least 1.5 degrees over the next five years is about 20 percent higher than at pre-industrial levels. This opportunity is growing rapidly over time.
Simply put, the Earth cannot move beyond the 1.5 degree Celsius limit to the 2-degree centigrade limit. An Earth with a temperature of 2 degrees Celsius would be a coral-walled planet, threatening the extinction of thousands of species and
increasing the risk of droughts, heatwaves, and other extreme weather events. Beyond the natural world, we can expect to see growing wars, displacement of large numbers of people, and deepening of global poverty.