
Letter form of Short Reports

Letter form of Short Reports

Letter form of Short Reports: A letter report is a report written in letter form. That is, this report is drafted by following the format of a letter and includes date, inside address, subject line, salutation, body, complementary close, signature and reference. Letter reports are used primarily to present information to the persons outside the organization. For example, a company’s credit rating evaluation may well he presented in letter form and mailed it to the outsiders who request. However, outsiders may also write letter report to the organization. For example, an outside consultant may investigate a problem of the company and write a report combining analyses and recommendations in letter form.

Features of letter report: 1 titer report has the following features:

a) Nature of problem: Letter reports usually present short problems.

b) Length: Typically the length of letter report is short. Its length may take three or four pages or less. However, no hard and fast rule exists in this regard.

c) Writing style: As a general rule, letter reports are written in personal style. That is, this report is written using personal pronouns like I, you and we.

d) Order at presentation: This form of report follows both direct and indirect order of presentation. Direct order is followed when the report is presented to the internal readers. On the other hand, indirect order of presentation is used for external readers. Because, external readers require some introductory information for understanding the problem and analysis.