Hind Limb of Toad

Hind Limb of Toad

Toad uses their hindlimbs to generate propulsive forces during both jumping and swimming. a. Femur: The first solid bone of hind limb is the femur.…
Pelvic Girdle of Toad

Pelvic Girdle of Toad

The pelvic girdle can also be divided into two equal parts like the pectoral girdles. This girdle attaches the hind limb with the backbone and…
Fore Limb of Toad

Fore Limb of Toad

The fore limb of toad is formed by the combination of some small and large, bones. The description of these bones is given below: a.…
Pectoral Girdle of Toad

Pectoral Girdle of Toad

The pectoral girdle almost encircles the anterior part of the trunk region of the body. It occupies almost the whole interior region of the body…
Urostyle Vertebral Column of Toad

Urostyle Vertebral Column of Toad

Urostyle is a long rod shaped bone situated at the back of the ninth vertebra. Several vertebrae are fused together to form this structure. It…
Ninth Vertebra of Toad

Ninth Vertebra of Toad

The ninth vertebra is also called the sacral vertebra. It is bigger in size and hard. Transverse process of this vertebra is hard, flat and…
Typical Vertebra of Toad

Typical Vertebra of Toad

An ideal vertebra is formed of centrum, neural canal, neural arch, neural spine, transverse process, pre-zygapophysis, and post-zygapophysis. 1. Centrum: This solid part is present…
Vertebral Column of Toad

Vertebral Column of Toad

The vertebral column is extended from the back of the head till the posterior end of the body of the toad. It is also called…
Axial Skeleton system of Toad

Axial Skeleton system of Toad

The axial skeleton is situated along the mid dorsal line of the body and is formed by the combination of skull and vertebral column. The…
Differences between Toad and Frog

Differences between Toad and Frog

Differences between Toad and Frog: Toad They live in the corners of the houses, moist places, crevices of the trees and bushes, and dark places.…
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