Why value differ from according to culture?

Why value differ from according to culture?

Each different appraisal has to do with the market under which an item is to be valued. We all know there is always a price…
Types of the Reinforcement Schedule

Types of the Reinforcement Schedule

There are two types of reinforcement schedules- 1. Continuous Reinforcement In continuous reinforcement., the desired behavior is reinforced every single time it occurs. This schedule…
Components of attitude

Components of attitude

There are three components of attitude– Cognitive This represents our thoughts, beliefs, and ideas about something. Typically these come to light in generalities or stereotypes,…
What is attitude?

What is attitude?

Attitude can be described as a tendency to react positively or negatively to a person or circumstances. A favorable or unfavorable evaluative reaction toward something…
Discuss the importance of value

Discuss the importance of value

Importance of Value Goals for Achievement: Values are goals set for achievements and they motivate, define and color all our activities cognitive, affective and connective.…
What is Value System?

What is Value System?

When we rank individual values in terms of their intensity we called that as a personal value system. All of us have a hierarchy of…
Theories of Learning

Theories of Learning

Learning theories are an established set of principles explaining how individuals receive, retain, and recall knowledge.  By studying and knowing the several learning theories, we…
What are Values?

What are Values?

Value mainly contains a judgmental element that carries individual ideas as what is right, good or desirable. Values have both contain and intensity attributes. According…
What is Shaping Behavior?

What is Shaping Behavior?

Shaping is a reinforcement of successive approximations to a desired instrumental response. Shaping Behavior means an attempt to mold individuals behavior by guiding their learning…
Barriers to Learning in Organizations

Barriers to Learning in Organizations

Barriers to Learning in Organizations Continuous acquisition and application of knowledge, skills, and beliefs by individuals, teams, and enterprise is an essential aspect of high-performance…
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