Applications of Distribution Law

Applications of Distribution Law

The distribution law affirms that a solute gets spread between the two layers of immiscible solvents in such a method that the proportion of its…
Kinetic Theory of the Distribution Law

Kinetic Theory of the Distribution Law

Kinetic theory of the distribution law The distribution law can be derived from the kinetic theory and the rate law. Since the solute is at…
Distribution of Solid between Two Immiscible Liquids: The Distribution Law

Distribution of Solid between Two Immiscible Liquids: The Distribution Law

Distribution of a Solid between Two Immiscible Liquids: The Distribution Law Iodine dissolves in water only slightly to form a pale yellow solution. If some…
Effect of Temperature on Solubility in Liquid Solution

Effect of Temperature on Solubility in Liquid Solution

Effect of Temperature on Solubility When solids dissolve in a liquid heat is generally absorbed, i.e., dissolution of a solid in a liquid is an…
Supersaturated Solution

Supersaturated Solution

A Supersaturated solution describes a solution that has dissolved more than the maximum amount of solute, reached by heating then cooling. There are some substances…
Saturated and Unsaturated Solubility

Saturated and Unsaturated Solubility

Saturated and Unsaturated Solubility A Saturated solution is a solution that has dissolved the maximum amount of solute. An Unsaturated solution describes a solution that…
Crystallization in Solubility

Crystallization in Solubility

Crystallization in Solubility When a solid is added to a liquid and the solution process takes place the concentration of the solute in the solution…
Ideal and Non – Ideal Solutions

Ideal and Non – Ideal Solutions

Ideal and Non – ideal Solutions One property of completely miscible liquid pairs is the energy change involved when two liquids are mixed. We know…
Solid – Liquid Solution: The Solution Process

Solid – Liquid Solution: The Solution Process

Solid – Liquid Solution: The Solution Process An understanding or the solution process will help us in the study of solutions. In all Cases in…
Liquid – Liquid Solution: The Solution Process

Liquid – Liquid Solution: The Solution Process

Liquid – Liquid Solution: The Solution Process When one substance dissolves in another, particles of the solute — either molecules or ions, depending on the…
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