
Types of Report on the basis of Frequency of Preparation

Types of Report on the basis of Frequency of Preparation

Types of report on the basis of frequency of preparation: Based on frequency or how often they are prepared, reports can be classified into the following three types:

Daily report: When report is written at the end of every working day to communicate day-to-day outcomes of an organization, it is known as daily report Examples of such report are daily stock exchange report, daily crime report, daily transportation report etc.

Routine or periodic report: When reports are prepared and submitted at a regular interval, they are termed as periodic or routine reports. Such reports maybe prepared weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually. Examples of routine reports include sales and financial reports, annual report etc.

Special report: When report is prepared on a non-recurring or special event, it is called special report. An investigation report on fire accident or industrial accident is a special report.