
Reproduction System of Toad

Reproduction is a physiological function. It is necessary for the continuance of species, so that it does not become extinct. This process can be accomplished asexually or by sexual process with the help of the opposite sex of the same species. The offsprings produced as a result of reproduction get mature and the process is repeated. In this way the continuance of a species is maintained with the help of the opposite sex of the same species. Those organs which take direct part in reproduction are called reproductive organs and the system is known as reproductive system.


The male toad and the female toad can be distinguished even by their external morphological characters. The organs concerned with the production of gametes [sperms and ova (egg)] are called principal reproductive organs. The organs concerned with the transport of gametes further from the gonads are called accessory reproductive organs.

Toad is a unisexual animal. Male reproductive organs are present in the male toad and female reproductive organs are present in the female toads. Below is a description of the male and female reproaductive systems.