
Nomenclature Method of Taxonomy

Nomenclature forms the basis by which scientists can name and cross refer to organisms. It is an integral part of taxonomy. In fact, modem taxonomy started in 1753 with the publication of first part of Systema by Linnaeus. According to Linnaeus a Species is specified by the combination of both its specific and generic names. Since it requires two names, it is referred to as the binomial system. Nomenclature is the formal naming system for living things that all scientists use. It gives every species a two-part scientific name. This system is now firmly established in Biology.


In modern times International Commissions are responsible for nam-ing each major group of organisms. There are several such commissions. These commissions authorize the usage of scientific names in biology. Naming of animals is monitored by International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) (International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature, 1985). The rules are set out in the ‘codes’. The codes are modified by occasional science congresses.