
Environmental Characteristics of Saint Martin’s Island

Calcium enriched soil, moderate rainfall, and moderate temperature is the main environmental features. Saline water enters in the mangrove forest at the time of high tides and recedes at low tides.

Plants: In the sandy shore of the island Jhau (Casuarina), Nishind nigunda), Bhat, Nata, Chhagalkhurilata are found to grow. They are the plants of sandy heaps. Around the island there are large varieties of screw pine (Pandanus). There are aquatic plants in the marshlands of Zinzira. There is a small mangrove forest in the south, but there is no Sundari tree. Crepa, Khalshi Shoilkanta, Hargoja etc. are found to grow here. Among the planted plants mango, jackfruit, Peyara, betel nut, pomelo (Jambura), plum (Kul) and at abundance of coconut are prominent. Around the homestead Chalta, Koroi Iponda, Udal, fig etc. are found to grow. In the island usually Paddy Coriander, Onion, Chili, Garlic, Sweet potato etc. are cultivated. There are various brown and red alga growing on corals and stones. At presen afforestation process is going on in this island.

Main Animals: Large marine turtles are found in the island. They come on the land for laying eggs. They lay many eggs at a time. Besides, in the lowlying area of the southern part there are innumerable red crabs and abundant of marine birds. Around the island there are various kinds of marine fishes in the sea. Several corals, different species of marine snails, bivalves and poisonous snakes are present around the island. The inhabitants of this island usually live on fishing. Population is increasing very rapidly in the northern part of the island. Children collect and sell stone and corals of sandy beach to the tourists. As a result soil is eroding from the entire coastal area. Thus hampering the environment of the island.