
Difference between Endodermis and Pericycle

Difference between Endodermis and Pericycle

Pericycle and endodermis are two types of cell cylinders seen in plant roots. They lie close to each other. Structurally, pericycle lies just inside the endodermis. The endodermis is the innermost cell cylinder of the cortex while pericycle is the outermost cell cylinder of stele.

Difference between endodermis and pericycle

Endodermis – The endodermis is the innermost cortical cell layer. Therefore, it is the boundary of cortex and it separates cortex from the stele. It refers to the inner cell layer of the cortex of plants, which surrounds the vascular bundle.

  • In a plant stem or root, a cylinder of cells separates the outer cortex from the central core. It is found between the cortex and vascular tissue.
  • The endodermis controls the flow of water and minerals within the plant.
  • In most plants, this tissue is restricted to the roots. It surrounds the pericycle of roots and stems. It contains tightly packed cells.
  • The cells are barrel-shaped and due to the accumulation of starch, it is also called a starch sheath. It is a nonvascular tissue. It is composed of parenchyma cells. It consists of suberin and Casparian strips.
  • It is in a plant stem or root, a tube of cells the separates the external cortex from the central core the endodermis controls the flow of water and minerals within the plant.
  • Function: It acts as a stellar sheath and it also stores food. It helps to regulate the flow of water and dissolved substances from the surrounding cortex. Moreover, endodermis stores starch in plants. It separates the cortex from the vascular bundle.

Difference between Endodermis and Pericycle

Pericycle – The pericycle is a cylinder of parenchyma or sclerenchyma cells located just inside the endodermis. It is also the outermost cell layer that demarcates the stele of plants. It refers to the outermost layer of a plant, which is replaced by the periderm during the secondary growth in the stem and the root.

  • In a plant root, the cylinder of plant tissue between the endodermis and phloem. Moreover, it has the ability to produce lateral roots.
  • Pericycle may be composed of parenchyma cells of sclerenchyma cells or both. During secondary growth, pericycle contributes to the vascular cambium.
  • Lateral branches and phellogen may arise from the pericycle. It arises from the procambium. Hence, it can be considered as a part of vascular tissue.
  • It is formed of alternate bands of parenchymatous and sclerenchymatous cells.
  • Pericycle generates cells of various kinds, including those that create lateral root development and enable secondary root growth.
  • Function: It stores all other food materials except nitrogenous foods. It is also required for xylem loading in the root. It prevents water loss, allows gas exchange, and secretes organic compounds to the outside of the plant.

The pericycle is the outermost cell layer of the stele in the root and stem of most plants. In contrast, endodermis is the innermost cortical cell layer that separates the cortex from the stele. So, this is the key difference between pericycle and endodermis. However, pericycle is multilayered while endodermis is a single cell layer.