
Comparison and Similarity between Tracheid and Vessel

Comparison and Similarity between Tracheid and Vessel

Tracheid and Vessel are the components of xylem, the water, and minerals conducting tissue in plants. Vessels and tracheids are jointly known as the tracheary elements of the xylem.


  • These are xylem elements found in all types of vascular plants.
  • These are single cells with tapering ends, hence are not syncytium.
  • The cells are long and tapering at both ends.
  • The cells are dead and have bordered pits.
  • The partition walls of the cells do not break down
  • Its functions are storage and conduction of water and giving mechanical support
  • It is usually found in fern plants, gymnospermic plants, and angiospermic plants

Xylem Vessel

  • These are also xylem elements (trachea) but restricted to angiosperms only
  • A vessel is formed by several cells arranged end to end and dissolved cross walls, hence is a syncytium.
  • The cells are long, tubular and swollen at both ends
  • Simple pits are present in the walls of dead cells.
  • The partition walls form a tube after being broken down
  • Its main function is to conduct water. Besides, it gives mechanical support.
  • It is only found in gymnospermic plants.


Similarities between Tracheid and Vessel

  • Both are present in primary and secondary xylem.
  • Both can transport water.
  • Both vessels and tracheids are the components of xylem.
  • Both are dead cells at maturity.
  • Both possess a secondary lignified cell wall.